Thursday, 12 June 2014

Give Library Patrons a Bag of Bookworms

Our family loves going to the library, so a couple of weeks ago, our random act of kindness included a trip to one of our favourite destinations. I also thought that this was a great place to perform some random kindness as this library is right across the street from a high school. I was hoping that Bug would chose some teenagers as his people to hopefully instill the joy of kindness and love among the human race in the younger generation.

Our little gift was a bag of gummy worms (Bug used tongs to stuff the bags so no dirty fingers touched the sweetness). We made a label that said "Here are some bookworms for you". The back of the label had a little poem that read:

Here's a little gift for you
While you sit and read a book.
They are a bag of bookworms,
to keep your learning on the hook.

Remember to check out our Website: Plant a Kiss Project
Or our Instagram: @plantakissproject
Or our Facebook Page: Plant a Kiss Project
And any random acts of kindness that is inspired by our project or your experience with ours that you'd like to share, type #plantakiss with your social media picture.

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